Erasmus Centre of Entrepreneurship presents How To Get There Summit, special program by S-ray diagnostics

Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship presenteert How To Get

Innovative minds of the Netherlands come together in The Hague this year for a new edition of the How To Get There (HTGT) Summit. This grand innovation event mobilises corporates, startups and innovation hubs to innovate faster together as a ‘single hub’. The HTGT Summit was initiated as part of StartupDelta by Neelie Kroes and minister Kamp and is organised by the innovation hubs of the Netherlands.

Participants of the HTGT Summit can in one day see, feel, hear, and sometimes even taste what the innovation ecosystem of the Netherlands has to offer. All innovation hubs, from Brainport Eindhoven to StartupAmsterdam and from Kennispark Twente to The Hague Impact City, showcase their facilities en share their knowledge and expertise. Dutch corporations across sectors share their expertise, success stories and brilliant failures. Startups join in the Get in the Ring competition to do business with investors, corporates and fellow entrepreneurs.

S-ray Diagnostics organizes a great program during the HTGT Summit on November 17th from 13:00 till 17:00, in which a CEO roundtable with no one less than Lieve Declercq (Vitens), Tom Kliphuis (Cooperation VGZ) and Govert Hamers (Vanderlande), is part of the program. The leaders of these different companies will openly engage in a dialogue on the importance of alignment, the role of leadership and the impact of innovation. For more information about the S-ray program, click here.

The HTGT Summit in 2015 was the stage for keynotes such as Harold Goddijn, Pieter Zwart, Ben Verwaayen and Jan Kees de Jager, 30 breakout sessions, a Captains Meetup with 20 CEOs, and 250 startups participating in Get in the Ring the Netherlands, resulting in 230 formal meetings with corporates.

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