Educational support in course design and examinations

Educational support in course design and examinations

Designing courses and developing examinations requires specific knowledge and skills. For your information and support several resources are available.

Educational expertise

If you want more information about the use of innovative teaching tools or blended learning, or would like to discuss your thoughts and ideas on educational renewal, you can contact our Educational Renewal Officers Bas van Goozen ( or Diede Diederiks (as of this month) (

For support in course and assessment quality you can contact our educational expert Pleuni de Kock (

ESE Examination Policy and Protocol

The ESE Examination Policy describes the framework within which examinations are developed and taken, and the Examination Protocol provides guidelines for developing, administering, evaluating and archiving examinations. More information is available on the website Education for staff.

Leaflet 'Information for Lecturers'

The Education Service Center has compiled a leaflet 2017-2018, with all the basic information that is important for (new) lecturers of ESE. The emphasis is on the rules and guidelines regarding the curriculum and examinations, seminars and theses.

The leaflet is available in pdf format on the website Education for staff.

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