The Chinese stock markets are coloured red

Image - Mary Pieterse-Bloem
Erasmus School of Economics

The Chinese stock markets are coloured red because of the coronavirus. Mary Pieterse-Bloem, Professor of Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics and Global Head Fixed Income at the Global Investment Center of the Private Bank of ABN AMRO, discusses this topic on the Dutch radio station BNR Nieuwsradio.

The Chinese stock market is struggling with major declines due to the coronavirus. Already 420 billion dollar have seem to be evaporated on the financial markets. According to Pieterse-Bloem, the stock markets can handle the impact reasonably well, but there are large regional differences. In comparison to what the media reports, the damage up until now is not so bad. However, it is still very difficult to draw a conclusion on the actual economic damage in the long run, says Pieterse-Bloem.

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Listen to the entire item on BNR Nieuwsradio, 4 February 2020 (in Dutch).

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