The chance that Feyenoord will become champion this year is rather low, according to the scientific research of Jan van Ours, Professor of Applied Economics. Jan van Ours started to do research on Feyenoord after a few bad years for the football club. He wondered why the number of times that Feyenoord had become champion in the preceding years was so low, but couldn't come up with a reasonable answer. This prompted him to do research on the club.
According to previous research, Feyenoord becomes champion roughly once every six or seven years. With this information, as well as the predictions of bookmakers and the financial position of the club, Jan van Ours determined the chance that Feyenoord would become champion this year, using scientific methods. Unfortunately, this chance appeared to be rather small. Nevertheless, according to Jan van Ours, the most important conclusion is that "the chance that Feyenoord will win is higher than bookmakers think".
Science Meets City
Jan van Ours will present his research at the science festival Science Hotel, which will be held on the evening of Friday 28 September, in nHow, next to the Erasmus Bridge. Science Hotel is part of the science festivals which are organised to celebrate the 21th lustrum of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. On Saturday 29 September, an other science festival will be held: Science Open. The purpose of these festivals is to connect scientists, artists and the public each other. With lectures, workshops and experiments, the knowledge of the Erasmus MC will be made public for everybody in Rotterdam.
- More information
For more information about the programme of Science Hotel, click here.