Savings rates are historically low and housing prices are high. If you want to invest, buying stocks seems to be the best option. Young and old are putting money into Crypto, windmills and Tesla. Is this a case of Fear of Missing Out or is it actually smart? Can you get rich quick on the stock market?
For some, the AEX or Dow Jones is just a jumble of numbers and dollar signs, for others a list of interesting data that can generate income. Investing is more popular than ever. Encouraged by low interest rates, soaring stocks, and success stories from finfluencers, we are putting our entire savings in the stock market and crypto-currencies. At the same time, the stock market seems detached from the real world. A stock is worth what "the fool will pay for it," as we saw with the rise in the price of the shares of the American retail chain GameStop.
What exactly is a stock and what are bonds? How can you estimate which shares will be profitable and which will be less successful? How can you create the lowest possible risk and is the rise of user-friendly apps like BuxZero and DEGIRO a positive development? And how are the corona crisis, the war in Ukraine and the looming economic crisis affecting the stock market?
Watch the lecture below or listen to the podcast on Spotify.

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