Bart van Rossum winner of the 2022 RAS Student Paper Award

PhD candidate Bart van Rossum of Erasmus School of Economics has won the first prize in the 2022 RAS Student Paper Award contest on innovative analytics and fact-based decision making in railway applications.

RAS (Railway Applications Section), a subdivision of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS), granted Bart van Rossum a USD 1,000 cash prize for his paper “Operational Railway Crew Planning with Individual Sharing-sweet-and-sour Rules”. Co-authors of his paper are Bart’s supervisors, Dr Twan Dollevoet and Prof. Dennis Huisman.

In the prizewinning paper, Bart and his co-authors propose a novel approach to incorporate individual Sharing-sweet-and-sour rules in operational crew scheduling, i.e., the construction of duties for the employees.  The Sharing-sweet-and-sour rules aim to divide the work fairly over the employees. In current practice, the Sharing-sweet-and-sour rules are applied at the crew base level instead of for individual employees. 

After obtaining his master’s degree in Econometrics and Management Science (specialisation: Operations Research and Quantitative Logistics) from Erasmus School of Economics, Bart van Rossum started his doctoral programme in 2020 at the research school of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Research Institute of Management.

Bart van Rossum was presented the prize during the RAS Business Meeting, as part of the INFORMS Annual Conference on Sunday 16 October in Indianapolis, USA.

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For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics,, mobile: +31 6 53 641 846.