Awards granted for excellence in research, education, and support

Winner of Educational Development Award 2019
Michel van der Wel receives the Educational Development Award from vice dean Ivo Arnold

During an awards ceremony on Tuesday 17 December 2019 the Management Team of Erasmus School of Economics rewarded several talented researchers, teachers and staff members for their excellent performance.

Annually, members of the School are granted an award to encourage high quality research and education as well as the visibility of the school. Additionally, the Support Award is rewarded to a staff member for his or her outstanding service and the Diversity Thesis Award is granted to a student for excellent research in the field of diversity.

The winners of the awards

Ying Gan, Esad Smajlbegovic and Krzysztof Postek received the Top Talent Researcher Award. All three winners published their research in two top journals in their field, respectively accounting, finance and econometrics.

The Educational Development Award was granted to Michel van der Wel. Van der Wel introduced several innovations such as quizzes in his class and consistently shares his experience on educational innovation with his colleagues.

Thomas Peeters received the Societal Impact Award for combining excellent research with solid policy advisory work in the field of sports economics.

The Support Award was given to Reino de Boer. De Boer has been supporting the school in the areas of control and IT, this award expresses the appreciation for the crucial role he plays in the School’s day-to-day operations.

The Diversity Thesis Award was granted to Denise Meulenberg for her research on the effects of gender quotas in corporate boards.

More information

Photo's of the award ceremony are available on MyEUR

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