AEX shoots through the roof

Erasmus School of Economics

December just started and instantly the AEX blasted through the roof of 600 points. Mary Pieterse-Bloem, Professor of Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics,is a guest at BNR News Radio and joins the conversation.

Should investors sell part of their stock? According to Pieterse-Bloem, the optimism of the market reaches high. She personally likes to look at the fear and greed index from CNN. Right now, the index is pointing at greed, which means that investors in the market are taking a lot of risk. This is a matter of concern, says Pieterse-Bloem, because of the upcoming trade agreement between the US and China on 15 December. The question of whether the agreement will be concluded varies from day to day and the market is kept in control, because of the high profits that already stand and the optimism with regard to the agreement.

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Listen to the entire item on BNR Nieuwsradio, 3 December 2019 (in Dutch).

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