Aeclipse winter symposium all about African development economics

Aeclipse Winter Symposium 2018
Erasmus School of Economics

Study association AEclipse successfully organized a winter symposium for students of Erasmus School of Economics, to provide them with insights into African development economics.

From left to right: Giulia Scammacca, Mona Malkhasian, Mirco Goudriaan, Mara Taradaciuc, Peter Knorringa, Hans Docter, Anton Timpers, Miriam Belhaine, Sanne Floor Weesie, Federico Maroli

The program consisted of hands-on workshops, inspiring lectures and an interactive panel discussion. Guest speakers were Hans Docter (Director for Sustainable Economic Development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Mirco Goudriaan (Policy Coordinator of the Dutch Good Growth Fund), Prof. Peter Knorringa (Center for Frugal Innovation Africa) and Anton Timpers (Dutch Development Bank, FMO).

During one of the workshops students could experience how it is like to provide consultancy services for the public sector. In another workshop students got the chance to work on a case study on methods to conduct economic impact assessments within developing countries. The day was concluded with a social drink in front of the Senaatszaal.

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