Witteveen Lecture by Klaas Knot

Erasmus bridge and Johannes Witteveen silhouette

On Friday, 11 June 2021, Klaas Knot, president of the Dutch Central Bank, will hold his keynote in the annual Witteveen Lecture series entitled 'The case for fiscal stabilisation in a low interest rate environment'.

Friday 11 Jun 2021, 10:15 - 12:15


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The Witteveen Lecture, which was first organised by Erasmus School of Economics in 2016, is a scientifically driven reading. It pays tribute to alumnus Johannes Witteveen, one of the great Dutch postwar macroeconomists, both in theory and in practice.

The respected economist Johannes Witteveen was actively contributing to the debate on the macro economic situation until his death on 23 April 2019 at the age of 97.

About Klaas Knot

Professor Klaas Knot has been President of De Nederlandsche Bank since July 2011. He serves as Vice Chair of the Financial Stability Board and Chair of its Standing Committee on the Assessment of Vulnerabilities. Knot is also member of the Governing Council and the General Council of the European Central Bank, member of the European Systemic Risk Board, Governor of the International Monetary Fund, Governor of the Bank for International Settlements and member of its Board of Directors.

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More information

For more information about the programme and to register, please visit www.ese.eur.nl/witteveenOpens external

If you have questions about this event, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media and Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics, rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, or +31 6 53 641 846.