1st Tinbergen Institute Public Economics Workshop

Campus Woudestein.
Wednesday 15 Nov 2023, 13:00 - 21:00

Room LAN 0.18, Langeveld Building, Campus Woudestein

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Campus Woudestein.
Alexander Santos Lima

The first edition of the Tinbergen Institute Public Economics Workshop will be held at Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam, on Wednesday 15 November 2023. This is the first of a twice-yearly event that brings together leading scholars in Public Economics and adjacent fields from around the world.


The workshop takes place in the afternoon (13:00-18:00) and consists of four presentations of one hour each, followed by a joint dinner (18:45-21:00). See the detailed programme below.

13:00 - 13:10Welcome
13:10 - 14:10Ludwig Straub (Harvard University)
Optimal Long-Run Fiscal Policy with Heterogeneous Agents
14:10 - 14:20Break
14:20 - 15:20Marc Fleurbaey (Paris School of Economics)
Efficiency and Redistribution in Burden-Sharing
15:20 - 15:50Coffee break
15:50 - 16:50Dominika Langenmayr (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Bypassing Sanctions: Hide 'N Seek in Tax Havens?
16:50 - 17:00Break
17:00 - 18:00Farid Toubal (University of Paris-Dauphine)
Corporate Tax Avoidance and Sales: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications
18:45 - 21:00Dinner at Restaurant Nerello, Oostzeedijk 344, Rotterdam


Please register online to receive further practical details. It is also possible to register and attend only a selected number of presentations. Dinner is subject to limited capacity; registration for dinner is closed.


Aart Gerritsen (ESE), Albert Jan Hummel (UvA), Bas Jacobs (VU Amsterdam), Dirk Schindler (ESE), Kevin Spiritus (ESE).

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