Take-Off introduction for Pre-master students

Monday 2 Sep 2024, 09:00 - 18:00

Campus Woudestein / external locations

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Inside view of the Polak building.

Soon you will start your academic career at Erasmus School of Economics. This means that you will get to know new people, the School and need to find your way around a new city.

To make your transfer to this new environment as smooth as possible Erasmus School of Economics organises a special introduction event our Pre-master students: the Take-Off 2024. This introduction event takes place on Monday, 2 September.

Visit the StudyHub 

Do you have some free time in your schedule during the Take-Off? Feel free to visit the StudyHub located in G1-18, Building G, 1st floor, room 18. The StudyHub is a study place on campus where you can study individually or in small groups with experienced teaching assistants to help you advance in your study. During the Take-Off you can go to the StudyHub to meet fellow students and work on online onboarding modules.
Learn more about the StudyHub

Goin’ app

Ready to start building connections? Register to join our EUR community on the Goin’ app.
Learn more about the Goin' app

During the Take-Off you and your fellow students will get acquainted with our study associations and learn all the ins and outs of your new study programme, supporting information systems and life on campus and in the city.

Time schedules

Please note that most introduction sessions are located on Woudestein campus but some activities are on a location outside the campus. Links to the external locations are included in the programme time schedules when applicable.

WhenWhatWhereMore information
Erasmus School of Economics
Theil CT-1You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies.
Pre-master Fiscale Economie
Polak 3-14Introduction about the Pre-master Fiscale Economie.

WhenWhatWhereMore information
Erasmus School of Economics
Theil CT-1You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies.
Pre-master Economie
Theil C1-6Introduction about the Pre-master Economie.
16:30-19:00Social Activity
(Aeclipse en FSR)
@ Mooie BoulesRegister for free before 30 August

When What Where More information
Erasmus School of Economics 
Theil CT-1You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies
15:00-15:45 Introduction 
Pre-master Econometrie
Sanders 0-04 Introduction about the Pre-master Econometrie 
From 16:00Specialty beer drinks
Café In de SmitseYou can register during the take-off on Monday, 2 September

When What Where More information
Erasmus School of Economics 
Theil CT-1You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies
15:00-15:45 Introduction 
Pre-master Accounting, Auditing and Control
Polak 3-17 Introduction about the Pre-master  Accounting, Auditing and Control
16:30-19:00Social Activity
(Aeclipse en FSR)
@ Mooie BoulesRegister for free before 30 August
More information

More information will follow later on this page.

Related links
The Pre-master New Student page

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