Take-Off introduction for Bachelor students

Soon you will start your academic career at Erasmus School of Economics. This means that you will get to know new people, the School and need to find your way around a new city.

Monday 2 Sep 2024, 09:00 - 18:00

Campus Woudestein / external locations

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To make your transfer to this new environment as smooth as possible Erasmus School of Economics organises a special introduction event for our first-year bachelor’s students: the Take-Off 2024. This introduction event will take place on Monday, 2 September.

During the Take-Off you will meet your fellow students, get acquainted with our study associations and learn all the ins and outs of your new study programme, supporting information systems and life on campus and in the city.

Visit the StudyHub 

Do you have some free time in your schedule during the Take-Off? Feel free to visit the StudyHub located in G1-18, Building G, 1st floor, room 18. The StudyHub is a study place on campus where you can study individually or in small groups with experienced teaching assistants to help you advance in your study. During the Take-Off you can go to the StudyHub to meet fellow students and work on online onboarding modules.
Learn more about the StudyHub

Goin’ app

Ready to start building connections? Register to join our EUR community on the Goin’ app.
Learn more about the Goin' app

Time schedules

Please note that most introduction sessions are located on Woudestein campus but some activities are on a location outside the campus. Links to the external locations are included in the programme time schedules when available.

Wanneer Wat WaarMeer informatie
Maandag 2 september  
09:00-10:45Introductie Erasmus School of EconomicsTheil CB-1Introductie over Erasmus School of Economics. Hier krijg je alle praktische informatie over het begin van je studie.
Zie pdfMentoraat - Kennismaking mentor en mentorgroepZie pdf

Open dit document (pdf) en ontdek hoe laat en waar je op maandag 2 september je mentor en medestudenten uit jouw werkgroep ontmoet.

Dit is een belangrijk onderdeel van de Take-Off, dus zorg ervoor dat je het niet mist.

Wanneer Wat WaarMeer informatie
Maandag 2 september  
09:00-10:45 Introductie Erasmus School of EconomicsTheil CB-1Introductie over Erasmus School of Economics. Hier krijg je alle praktische informatie over het begin van je studie.
13:00-13:45Introductie DubbelstudieTheil CB-4Introductie van prof. mr. dr. Louis Visscher over het Dubbelstudie programma.
15:00-17:30Pool and bowling
(In Duplo)
Cor Kieboomplein 509/510
Je hoeft je niet te registreren voor deze activiteit. We contreleren de namen bij de deur.
Zie pdfMentoraat - Kennismaking mentor en mentorgroepZie pdf

Open dit document (pdf) en ontdek hoe laat en waar je op maandag 2 september je mentor en medestudenten uit jouw werkgroep ontmoet.

Dit is een belangrijk onderdeel van de Take-Off, dus zorg ervoor dat je het niet mist.

WanneerWatWaarMeer informatie
Maandag 2 september  
09:00-10:45Introductie Erasmus School of EconomicsTheil CB-1Introductie over Erasmus School of Economics. Hier krijg je alle praktische informatie over het begin van je studie.
11:00-11:45Introductie Fiscale EconomieMandeville T3-24Introductie van de bachelor Fiscale Economie door Marcel Smeets.
Zie pdfMentoraat - Kennismaking mentor en mentorgroepZie pdf

Open dit document (pdf) en ontdek hoe laat en waar je op maandag 2 september je mentor en medestudenten uit jouw werkgroep ontmoet.

Dit is een belangrijk onderdeel van de Take-Off, dus zorg ervoor dat je het niet mist.

WanneerWatWaarMeer informatie
Maandag 2 september  
09:00-10:45Introductie Erasmus School of EconomicsSanders 003Introductie over Erasmus School of Economics. Hier krijg je alle praktische informatie over het begin van je studie.
Zie pdfMentoraat - Kennismaking mentor en mentorgroepZie pdf

Open dit document (pdf) en ontdek hoe laat en waar je op maandag 2 september je mentor en medestudenten uit jouw werkgroep ontmoet.

Dit is een belangrijk onderdeel van de Take-Off, dus zorg ervoor dat je het niet mist.

WhenWhatWhereMore information
Monday, 2 September  
09:00-10:45Introduction Erasmus School of EconomicsTheil CB-4You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies.
See pdfGuidance - meeting mentor and tutorial groupSee pdf

Open this document (pdf) to find out when and where you'll meet your mentor and tutorial group on Monday, 2 September.

This is an important part of the Take-Off, so make sure not to miss it.

WhenWhatWhereMore information
Monday, 2 September  
11:00-12:45Introduction Erasmus School of EconomicsTheil CB-1You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies.
See pdfGuidance - meeting mentor and tutorial groupSee pdf

Open this document (pdf) to find out when and where you'll meet your mentor and tutorial group on Monday, 2 September.

This is an important part of the Take-Off, so make sure not to miss it.

WhenWhatWhereMore information
Monday, 2 September  
11:00-12:45Introduction Erasmus School of Economics Theil CB-1You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies.
13:00-13:45Introduction Double DegreeTheil CB-4Introduction by Prof. Mr. Dr. Louis Visscher about the Double Degree Program.
15:00-17:30Pool and bowling
(In Duplo)
Cor Kieboomplein 509/510
You don't need to register for this activity. We will check the names at the door
See pdfGuidance - meeting mentor and tutorial groupSee pdf

Open this document (pdf) to find out when and where you'll meet your mentor and tutorial group on Monday, 2 September.

This is an important part of the Take-Off, so make sure not to miss it.

WhenWhatWhereMore information
Monday, 2 September  
11:00-12:45Introduction Erasmus School of EconomicsVan der Goot M1-19You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies.
See pdfGuidance - meeting mentor and tutorial groupSee pdf

Open this document (pdf) to find out when and where you'll meet your mentor and tutorial group on Monday, 2 September.

This is an important part of the Take-Off, so make sure not to miss it.

WhenWhatWhereMore information
Monday, 2 September  
10:00-10:45Introduction Dual DegreePolak 3-14Introduction about the dual degree.
11:00-12:45Introduction Erasmus School of EconomicsTheil CB-1You will get to know our School and learn about all practical matters to start your studies.

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