The conference will showcase research on health and health care, from various schools. Its multidisciplinary orientation aims to provide inspiration concerning the specific opportunities and strengths at our university, to address one of the biggest challenges to modern society.
- Date
- Friday 22 Nov 2019, 13:00 - 17:00
- Type
- Conference
- Room
- T3-21
- Building
- Mandeville Building
The event will take place at the Woudestein campus. The conference will start at 13:00 with a plenary part (in T3-21) followed by two rounds of parallel presentation sessions (in various locations on campus).
If you click on the drop down menu you will find the detailed programme per session.
Please register for one presentation session per round.
- Cohort profile: the Follow-Up Pre-Eclampsia Cohort (FUPEC); Anne Wijtzes (Erasmus MC)
- Inclusivity Through Menstrual Health: Social Enterprises and the Challenge of Collaborative Governance for Societal Change; Maria Punzi (RSM)
- Value based healthcare in LMIC: Evaluating the implementation of ‘smart contracts for maternal care’ in Kenya; Peter Dohmen (ESHPM/RSM)
- Addressing Global Health Challenges Through Operations Research: Doing the Right Thing Right; Harwin de Vries (RSM)
- The Implementation of Value-based Health Care in the Netherlands; Gijs Steinmann (ESHPM)
- Morphing Randomized Controlled Trials; Gui Liberali (RSM)
- The effect of centre volume, care processes, and case-mix on between-centre variation in outcome of acute ischemic stroke care; Marzyeh Amini (Erasmus MC)
- How to manage financial risk for capitated primary care providers? A simulation study; Danielle Cattel (ESHPM)
- Patients’, healthcare providers’ and healthcare insurance employees’ preferences for knee and hip osteoarthritis care: a discrete choice experiment; Ilgin Arslan (Erasmus MC)
- Health-risk attitude and preference heterogeneity in discrete choice experiments; Samare Huls (ESHPM)
- Capturing the broader values of person-centered integrated care for multi-morbidity; Maureen Rutten-van Mölken (ESHPM)
- The use of well-being in economic evaluations of health and social care policies: Why, what and when?; Friederike Benning (ESHPM)
- Eliciting Laundered Preferences in the Context of Health and Wellbeing; Mans Abrahamson (ESPhil)
- Performance feedback on quality of care in hospitals performing thrombectomy for ischemic stroke: a cluster-randomized trial; Sanne den Hartog (Erasmus MC)
- PERSIST trial on smoking cessation: evidence and experiences from the first round; Nienke Boderie (Erasmus MC)
- One size fits all? Designing financial incentives tailored to individual economic preferences; Stefan Lipman (ESHPM)
- Protocol for an RCT on encouraging physical activity and a healthy diet; Lili Kokai (Erasmus MC) & Diarmaid O’Ceallaigh (ESE)
- Effect of midwives’ remuneration on birth outcomes. Evidence from the Netherlands; Joaquim Vidiella Martin (ESE)
- Does the impact of maternal smoking on birth weight depends on children’s genetic endowments?; Rita Dias Pereira (ESE)
- Persisting disparities in birth outcomes related to neighborhood; Lizbeth Burgos Ochoa (Erasmus MC)
- Implementing PROMs in Clinical Breast Cancer Care: A Systematic Review; Arvind Oemrawsingh (Erasmus MC)
- Using administrative hospital data to identify prognostic factors for outcomes and costs for 4 surgical treatments: retrospective cohort study; Nèwel Salet (ESHPM)
- Value-Based Healthcare Using Smarter Choices based in Big Data through Business Modeling; Vikrant Sihag (RSM)
- Value-based cleft care; from implementation to evaluation; Inge Apon (Erasmus MC)
- Introduction of cost sharing for health insurance at the age of 18 - The effect on health care consumption; Francisca Vargas Lopes (Erasmus MC)
- Who receives disability insurance? Deviations in the Dutch system; Carlos Riumallo Herl (ESE/Erasmus MC)
- Adaptation in Life Satisfaction and Self-Assessed Health to Adverse Health Shocks - Evidence from the UK; Jannis Stöckel (ESHPM)
- Well-being right before and after a nursing home admission; Pieter Bakx (ESHPM)
- ‘Jingles and Jangles’: Comparing health behavior research between health psychology and behavioral economics; Lili Kokai (Erasmus MC)
- The impact of ambiguity on prevention decisions; Timo Lambregts (ESHPM)
- Heavyweight Habitus: A Sociology of Overweight and Obesity in the Netherlands; Niels van Poecke (ESHCC)
In case you cannot attend anymore, please inform the Organisation Team as soon as possible using the following email address:
This will allow us to satisfy additional requests to participate, as the conference is fully booked.
- More information
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