Simple odd β-cycle inequalities for binary polynomial optimisation

EI-ERIM-OR seminar
Matthias Walter
Friday 2 Dec 2022, 12:00 - 13:00
Spoken Language
Theil Building
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The multilinear polytope arises naturally in binary polynomial optimisation Del Pia and Di Gregorio introduced the class of odd β-cycle inequalities valid for this polytope, showed that these generally have Chvátal rank 2 with respect to the standard relaxation and that, together with flower inequalities, they yield a perfect formulation for cycle hypergraph instances.

Moreover, they describe a separation algorithm in case the instance is a cycle hypergraph. In the talk I will introduce a weaker version, called simple odd β-cycle inequalities, and illustrate a strongly polynomial-time separation algorithm for arbitrary instances. These inequalities still have Chvátal rank 2 in general and still suffice to describe the multilinear polytope for cycle hypergraphs.

The talk is rounded up with computational results for the implementation in SCIP. This is joint work with Alberto Del Pia.

    Matthias Walter

    About Matthias Walter

    Matthias Walter is an assistant professor at the University of Twente.

    He works on solving techniques for mixed-integer programs (MIPs) on the practical side (branch-and-cut, branch-and-price) as well as polyhedral combinatorics on the theoretical side.


    Michal Mankowski and Olga Kuryatnikova

    More information

    Secretariat Econometrics
    Phone: +31 (0)10 408 12 59/ 12 64

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