Overparametrization and the bias-variance dilemma

EI Seminar
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For several machine learning methods such as neural networks, good generalisation performance has been reported in the overparametrized regime. In view of the classical bias-variance trade-off, this behavior is highly counterintuitive.

Johannes Schmidt-Hieber
Thursday 17 Apr 2025, 12:00 - 13:00
Campus Woudestein
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Joint work with Alexis Derumigny (Delft).

We will present a general framework to establish universal lower bounds for the bias-variance trade-off.

See also

Do Public Equities Span Private Equity Returns?

Mirco Rubin (EDHEC Business School)
The Erasmus University, Rotterdam Campus

Inference in Time-Varying SVARs Identified with Sign Restrictions

Jonas Arias (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
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Systemic Risk: CoVaR, Comovement, and Portfolio Selection

Liang Peng (Georgia State University)
The Erasmus University, Rotterdam Campus

Research Workshop on Inference and Optimality in Econometrics

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Isaiah Andrews (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Bounds of the Market Risk Premium

Jens Jackwerth (University of Konstanz)
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More information

Do you want to know more about the event? Contact the secretariat Econometrics at eb-secr@ese.eur.nl.

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