Overparametrisation and the Bias-variance Dilemma

EI Seminar
Person writing on a whiteboard

For several machine learning methods such as neural networks, good generalisation performance has been reported in the overparametrised regime. In view of the classical bias-variance trade-off, this behavior is highly counterintuitive.

Johannes Schmidt-Hieber
Thursday 17 Apr 2025, 12:00 - 13:00
Campus Woudestein
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Joint work with Alexis Derumigny (Delft).

We will present a general framework to establish universal lower bounds for the bias-variance trade-off.

See also

Do Public Equities Span Private Equity Returns?

Mirco Rubin (EDHEC Business School)
The Erasmus University, Rotterdam Campus

Bayesian Inference and Prediction Based on the Peaks Over Threshold Method

Simone Padoan (Bocconi University)
Overview Rotterdam Campus Woudestein

Inference in Time-Varying SVARs Identified with Sign Restrictions

Jonas Arias (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
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Systemic Risk: CoVaR, Comovement, and Portfolio Selection

Liang Peng (Georgia State University)
The Erasmus University, Rotterdam Campus

Research Workshop on Inference and Optimality in Econometrics

Keynote Speaker: Isaiah Andrews
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Lecture Asymptotic Optimality in Econometrics

Isaiah Andrews (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Image - Isaiah-Andrews

Bounds of the Market Risk Premium

Jens Jackwerth (University of Konstanz)
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More information

Do you want to know more about the event? Contact the secretariat Econometrics at eb-secr@ese.eur.nl.

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