More Dads at Home, More Girls in Math-intensive Studies? Evidence From a Parental Leave Reform

Micro Seminar
Image - Mathematics - 2018
Noemi Peter
Friday 13 Oct 2023, 15:30 - 16:45
Mandeville Building
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Image - Mathematics - 2018

Evidence suggests that separate spheres gender norms discourage girls from math. We therefore examine a policy that counteracts such norms among parents and investigate whether it increases girls’ participation in math-intensive studies.

(joint work with Sara Mikkelsen)

Specifically, we examine a parental leave reform that reserved one month of leave for fathers, and estimate its effect on children’s study choices. We find that the reform increases the probability of doing a math-intensive program in upper secondary education among girls whose father was otherwise reluctant to take leave. There is no effect on boys. We also conduct heterogeneity analyses to investigate whether the results can be explained by human capital transmission or the gender norms mechanism. The results of our analyses suggest that the gender norms mechanism is at play.

About Noemie

Noemi is a TI graduate (UvA) whose main research field is empirical microeconomics. She is particularly interested in experimental and behavioral economics, gender, education and labor. She is also an Associate Editor at the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (JEBO).


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