Measuring and Predicting 'New Work' in the United States: The Role of Local Factors and Global Shocks

Research on Monday
ESE - Workers With Helmets
Giovanni Peri
Monday 24 Jun 2024, 11:30 - 12:30
Polak Building
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ESE - Workers With Helmets

The evolution of work is of emerging importance to advanced economies' growth. In this study, we develop a new semantic-distance-based algorithm to identify ‘new work’, namely the new types of jobs introduced in the US. 

We characterise how ‘new work’ relates to task content of jobs and skill characteristics of workers and document its geographic distribution and association with employment growth. 

Then, we analyse whether local factors associated in the previous literature with agglomeration economies and productivity growth as well as local exposures to global shocks—technology, trade, immigration, and population aging - predict the creation of ‘new work’. 

We find local supply of college educated in 1980 as the strongest predictor of ‘new work’. Using the historical location of 4-year colleges, a strong instrument for local college share, we find a positive and significant causal effect of local supply of human capital on ‘new work’.

About the speaker

Giovanni Peri is Professor of Economics at the University of California, Davis, Research Associate of NBER, and founder and director of the UC Davis. 

His research focuses on international migrations, including their determinants, their impact on labour markets of receiving countries, and on integration of migrants and refugees. It has appeared, e.g. in the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, The Review of Economics and Statistics, the Economic Journal, the Journal of European Economic Association, the Journal of International Economics, The Journal of Development Economics and the Journal of Labor Economics.

Registration for bilateral, lunch or dinner

If you would like to meet the guest speaker for a bilateral, join for lunch or dinner, then please register by filling in the registration form (before Thursday, 20 June 09:00).

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