Linear convergence and error bounds are equivalent for optimisation algorithms

EI-ERIM-OR seminar
Campus Woudestein
Juan Vera Lizcano
Friday 18 Oct 2024, 12:00 - 13:00
E Building
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Campus Woudestein
Alexander Santos Lima

Several optimisation algorithms, including ADMM and Douglas-Rachford algorithm (DR), can be cast as the fixed-point iteration (FPI) of an averaged operator. However, these algorithms' convergence is generally slow (within sublinear regime).

We show that the linear convergence of the FPI of averaged operators is equivalent to an error-bound condition on the operator. Our work captures several existing results on the linear convergence of the ADMM and DR under weaker assumptions. As a byproduct of our method, we bound the rate of convergence of the DR applied to linear and quadratic optimisation problems.

Juan C. Vera Lizcano smiling with a closed smile at the camera

About the speaker

Juan C. Vera Lizcano is a professor of optimisation in the department of Econometrics and Operations Research at Tilburg University. His expertise includes polynomial and conic optimisation and their applications to combinatorial optimization; relation between error bounds, condition numbers, and convergence of optimisation algorithms; sparse methods for machine learning.

See also

More information

Lunch will be provided (vegetarian option included).

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