Geographic Integration and Firm Exports: Evidence from China

Micro Seminar
Crowded metro station

We provide new evidence on the role of domestic geographic integration in a country’s integration to the international market. The geographic concentration of exporters may reduce trade frictions for other potential exporters, for example, through learning by doing or establishing reliable distribution channels.

Lin Tian
Friday 12 May 2023, 15:30 - Monday 15 May 2023, 16:45
LAN 2.16
Langeveld building
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joint with Yue Yu

We examine the existence of such spillover effects in the export market by leveraging a quasi-natural experiment: The expansion of China’s high-speed rail (HSR) provides plausibly exogenous variation in the extent of (effective) geographic integration among Chinese exporters.

From a simple model of export behavior, we derive the empirical specification to examine how export performance responds to the improved geographic integration. The analysis reveals strong evidence that the improved within-sector integration of exporters positively impacts a firm’s export performance, such as sales, number of export markets, and product quality.

We also provide evidence consistent with that an HSR connection strengthens knowledge spillovers among exporters to overcome informal trade barriers when accessing foreign markets.

About the speaker

Ingar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). He works in the fields of political economy, household finance, and macroeconomics. Many of his papers use information provision experiments. He has recent publications in the QJE, JEL, and REStat.


If you would like to schedule a bilateral, join for lunch or dinner on Friday evening, please send an email to

See also

The Wage Penalty of Temporary Work

Elliott Weder (Erasmus School of Economics)
ESE - Workers With Helmets

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