Forward-looking labor supply responses to changes in pension wealth: evidence from Germany

with Elisabeth Artmann and Nicola Fuchs-Schuendeln | Research on Monday Seminar
Giulia Giupponi
Monday 23 Oct 2023, 11:30 - 12:30
Polak Building
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Alexander Santos Lima

We provide new evidence of forward-looking labor supply responses to changes in pension wealth. We exploit a 2014 German reform that increased pension wealth for mothers by an average of 4.4% per child born before 1 January, 1992. Using administrative data on the universe of working histories, we implement a difference-in-differences design comparing women who had their first child before versus after 1 January 1992.

We document significant reductions in labor earnings, driven by intensive margin responses. Our estimates imply that, on average, an extra euro of pension wealth in a given period reduces unconditional labor earnings by 54 cents.

About Giulia

Giulia’s research interests are in the areas of Labor and Public Economics, with a focus on social insurance programmess and minimum wage policy. His work has been published in the Review of Economic Studies, Economic Policy and Journal of Economic Perspectives. She will present the paper “Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth: Evidence from Germany”. You can find all information and a link to the paper below.

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Registration for bilateral, lunch or dinner

If you would like to meet the guest speaker for a bilateral, join for lunch or dinner. Please register by filling in the registration form.

Please note that the dinner takes place on Sunday evening and not on Monday evening as usual.

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