We are delighted to welcome Dr. Adina Akbik, Assistant Professor of European Politics at Leiden University, for a presentation of the key findings from her monograph on The European Parliament as an Accountability Forum: Overseeing the Economic and Monetary Union (Cambridge University Press 2022). The session will be chaired by Professor Dr. Fabian Amtenbrink.
- Speaker
- Date
- Wednesday 18 May 2022, 13:00 - 14:00
- Type
- Seminar
- Spoken Language
- English
- Location
Online (link to be circulated)
- Ticket information
Registration is required so that we can send you a link prior to this online event.
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Since the euro crisis, the European Parliament has new powers to scrutinise EU executive actors in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). How do parliamentary committees exercise these powers in practice? This book provides the first in-depth empirical study of the European Parliament’s practices of legislative oversight in the EMU and its contribution to political accountability at the EU level. Building on an innovative analytical framework for the study of parliamentary questions and answers, the book sheds light on the European Parliament’s possibilities and limitations to hold EU executive bodies accountable more generally. The case studies cover the period from 2012 to 2019 and include the European Central Bank in banking supervision, the European Commission, the Eurogroup, and the Economic and Financial Affairs Council. The presentation will provide an overview of the book’s key findings.

About the speaker
Dr. Adina Akbik is Assistant Professor of European Politics at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University. She is also Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre of the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Dr. Akbik’s research focuses on EU institutions and decision-making. Her current work examines political accountability in EU economic governance, the enforcement powers of EU agencies, institutional roles in EU migration and home affairs, as well as European integration theory more generally. Before joining Leiden University in 2021, Dr. Akbik worked as a postdoc at the Hertie School of Governance and Bard College Berlin. She defended her PhD in Political Science at the Central European University in Budapest in 2016. Her work has been published in the European Journal of Political Research, Regulation & Governance, the Journal of European Public Policy, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Comparative European Politics, the Journal of European Integration, and the European Law Journal, among other journals.
Her monograph on The European Parliament as an Accountability Forum: Overseeing the Economic and Monetary Union was published open access with Cambridge University Press in January 2022.
Registration is required so that we can send you a link prior to the event. Please register for this online event below:
- More information
For more information about this event, please contact Dr. Menelaos Markakis directly at markakis@law.eur.nl.
- Related links
- The Erasmus Center for Economic and Financial Governance (ECEFG)