Department of Economics

Erasmus School of Economics
Skyscrapers from frogview

New research handbook sheds light on the economics of tax havens

Edward Elgar Publishing has released a landmark academic work: the Research handbook on the economics of tax havens.
Image - Dirk Schindler

Dutch voters and politicians strongly support policy experiments

A new study by Prof. Robert Dur and Dr Arjan Non from Erasmus School of Economics reveals that Dutch voters are open to experimenting with public policy.
Robert Dur & Arjan Non

Study reveals vulnerability of Dutch criminal justice system to biases towards minority suspects

A new study by PhD candidate Kyra Hanemaaijer and Professor Olivier Marie of Erasmus School of Economics reveals significant presence of judicial biases.
Kyra Hanemaaijer and Olivier Marie

Are Men's Preferences for Couple Equity Misperceived? Evidence from Six Countries

Teodora Boneva (University of Bonn)
Image - Man and Child Doing Dishes

Correcting Beliefs about the Marginal Tax Rate: A Survey Experiment among Dutch Households

Arjan Non (Erasmus School of Economics)
Image - Dutch Town

Policy Afternoon 'Shortages in the Labour Market'

With a keynote by Prof. Rafael Lalive, followed by a round table discussion
Students and staff sit outside in the sun at Erasmus Pavilion.
  • Director

    Prof.dr. I.J.M. Arnold

    Operations Manager

    Gwendolyn Yung
    Interim Operations Manager 
    Steef Arends

    room: E1-09
    phone: +31 6 389 508 14

  • Secretariat

    Mads de Bruin
    Conny Oudshoorn
    Thuy Phan

    opening hours: on working days from 08:30 until 16:30
    room E1-28
    phone: +31 (0)10 408 14 41

  • Visiting address

    Erasmus University Rotterdam

    Room E1-28
    Burg. Oudlaan 50
    3062 PA Rotterdam

    Postal address

    Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Department of Economics

    P.O. Box 1738
    3000 DR Rotterdam
    The Netherlands

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