Date: 27 May 2016
Venue: C-hall (Theil Building)
The Faculty Association Econometrics & Operations Resrach and the Econometric Institute are happy to announce the joint conference to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Econometric Institute (EI) and the 50th anniversary of FAECTOR (formerly Econometrisch Dispuut). This conference takes place on May 27, 2016, at the C-hall (Theil building) of the Woudenstein campus of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The theme of the conference is "Econometrics and Beyond". We cordially invite alumni of the econometrics study, current students, former and current Econometrics Institute employees, Econometrics Institute PhD alumni, and others who are interested to participate in this conference.
The conference will be opened by prof. dr. Alexander Rinnooy Kan, who is a former director of the Econometric Institute, a former rector of the Erasmus University, and currently member of the Dutch Senate. The program continues with three parallel sessions. There are two scientific sessions with five speakers each: one session is organized around the themes of Econometrics (organizer prof. dr. R. Paap) and Operations Research (organizer prof. dr. A. Wagelmans). The speakers in these two sessions have either obtained their PhD at the Econometrics Institute or have been an employee of the institute. The third session is organized by FAECTOR where alumni will speak about their experiences with entrepreneurship and starting a company in the field of econometrics. Participants can switch between sessions. The closing session by prof. dr. Ph. H. Franses is held at the new Erasmus Pavillion, followed by drinks and a dinner.
More information
Please send an email to the if you have any further questions and keep an eye on this website if you want to stay updated about this spectacular event!