Erasmus Honours Programme

For extra talented and motivated students
Honours student with cap during Talent Day 2019

Besides the regular programmes, the EUR annually offers programmes for talented and motivated students. The Erasmus Honours Programme enables students to encounter fascinating and current themes from other fields of study in the Grand Challenges programme, the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus programmes and the new Inclusive Energy Transition master programme. Renowned scholars from several disciplines challenge honours students to look beyond the boundaries of their own field.

For most EHP-students, the interdisciplinary approach will prove to be a challenge as, in their second year they only just begin to realize what it means to study an academic discipline, with it’s own typical ‘worldview’. In High School various ‘subjects’ are taught. When attending classes in ‘Economy’, how many realized they were introduced in the world of the homo economicus; and who has wondered during ‘Maths’, how the world can be approached as a numeric whole? At University students grow, and maybe even excel in the discipline of their choice, but as they learn and grow, they are also limited by the boundaries of their discipline.

Interactive Learning

The educational environment of the EHP differs from the usual teaching settings. Due to the multidisciplinary background of the group – students and teachers -, different, and even conflicting perspectives will be addressed and discussed. Without doubt, the learning practice of an interdisciplinary attitude will help EHP students in their further academic career and beyond.