Focused Reviews

of happiness research on particular topics

Review studies summarize the available knowledge on a subject. Reviews of all happiness research are typically published in books, such as Layard’s (2005) ‘Happiness: Lessons of a new science’’. Reviews of particular topics in happiness research are mostly published in journal articles, such as MacKerron (2012) on the economics of happiness, Proctor et al (2009) on the happiness of youth and Zhang & Chen (2019) on the relation between happiness and physical activity.

EHERO is well equipped for review studies with its World Database of Happiness. This finding archive provides easy access to a wealth of research findings and also allows for a new review technique, using links in papers to finding-pages in the archive.

Examples of such review reports by EHERO:

A list of meta-analytic studies on particular topics on happiness research in found here.



Layard, R. (2005)  Happiness. Lessons from a New Science. Penguin, 2005, New York, USA

MacKerron, G, (2012) Happiness Economics from 35000 Feet, Journal of Economics Surveys, 26, 705 – 735

Proctor, C.L.; Linley, P.A.; Maltby, J. (2009) Youth Life Satisfaction: A Review of the Literature., Journal of Happiness Studies, 10, 583 – 630

Zhang, Z. & Chen, W. (2019) A Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Happiness, Journal of Happiness Studies, 20, 1305-1322​​​​​​​

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