Challenges for Supervisors: How to build and maintain a good PhD-supervisor relationship

Monday 10 Feb 2025, 15:00 - 16:30
Mandeville building, room T19-01
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A good relationship between a supervisor and their PhD is a key factor for a successful trajectory.
It is a two-way street of course, but this workshop will focus on the supervisor role in this process.

We invite supervisors to discuss their struggles, but also very much to share their tips and tops with their peers. 

Esther Rozendaal will lead the workshop and will share tools one could use, such as the latest version of the ‘Golden Questions for PhDs and supervisors’ that were set up by the EGSH PhD council.
This document was originally built on the Golden Rules as created by Leiden University and is the result of a year’s work of liaising with supervisors, PhD candidates, HR representatives, PhD coordinators and policy advisors.

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