Mission and principles

Your PhD, our mission

The mission of the Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities is to offer state-of-the-art, high quality, 'Triple-I’ doctoral education for the PhD candidates of the faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities, Philosophy and Development Studies, and of research groups in Health, Housing and Transition Studies. The Triple I stands for International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral training which prepares candidates for postgraduate jobs both in and outside of academic settings.

In pursuing this mission the school adheres to inclusion as a core value, by:

  • Acknowledging diversity in the school’s communication and awareness programmes;
  • Spending time and care on our students through services like the PhD handbook, the peer buddy system and the ‘soft landing’ for beginning candidates;
  • Mustering the courage to address difficult issues through creative forms like theatre, and the more standard support of confidential counselors;
  • Daring to change, in particular through our recruitment policies and our curriculum.

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