As a PhD candidate, you may run into issues about your research methodology for which your supervisory team does not have immediate solutions. Or sometimes you may just feel the need to have a longer discussion about methodology. In such cases you can make an appointment with our Methodology Consultant Dr. Fadi Hirzalla.

Dr. Fadi Hirzalla is the Graduate School senior lecturer and methodology consultant. He specialises in quantitative and qualitative methods and methodology, next to his substantive interests in citizenship and new media, with a particular focus on intercultural relations and young people. Prior to joining the Graduate School, he worked at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University.
Dr. Hirzalla can help you with questions and concerns about a variety of issues that might arise during your PhD project, including:
- The methodological background of particular empirical techniques
- Developing and testing the questionnaire for your survey
- Particular statistical techniques, varying from correlations to experiments
- Doing qualitative interviews and finding respondents
- Various approaches to qualitatively analyze and code your data
- Using a particular analytic program, such as SPSS or Atlas.ti
- Combining various (quantitative and qualitative) methods
- Reviewing literature and the relationship between literature and your empirical analysis
- Approaches for writing and structuring your thesis
Fadi can help you with fundamental reflection on and concrete directions for such issues. He also functions as an intermediary who can bring you into contact with other experts.
Scheduling a consult is only open to PhD candidates of the following faculties and institutes:
- Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT)
- Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC)
- Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)
- Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil)
- Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB)
- Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS)
- International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)