Qualitative coding and analysis of textual data with ATLAS.ti

man presenting a laptop with logo of ATLAS.ti on it


This workshop explains the general principles of qualitative coding and analysis of textual data, and the application of these principles in the program ATLAS.ti.

In qualitative research, coding is like giving tags (or labels) to pieces of texts, images, videos or audio material as a way to yield a systematic understanding of the contents of the data. Programs such as ATLAS.ti facilitate and systematize this coding process and the analysis of the resulting collective of codes.

This workshop is accessible to researchers who are not too familiar with qualitative coding and analysis with ATLAS.ti. While the workshop assumes an introductory entry level, we will be able to discuss and practice all coding and analysis functionalities in ATLAS.ti that you need for a scientific qualitative study.

Please note that this workshop is an extended version on the ATLAS.ti practicum offered in the course Qualitative Data Analysis with Grounded Theory. Specifically, the latter course and this workshop are based on the same video tutorial.

However, even if you already attended the Grounded Theory course, you can still attend this workshop if you like to spend more time with others discussing, exercising and reflecting on qualitative coding and analysis. 


Workshop information

ECTS: 1.5
Number of sessions: 1
Hours per session: 5

Key Facts & Figures

Instruction language
Mode of instruction
Offline, Online

What will you achieve?

  • After the course you will understand the purpose of qualitative coding and analysis.
  • After the course you will know how to code and analyse data qualitatively.
  • After the course you will be able to use the program ATLAS.ti for qualitative coding and analysis.
  • After the course you will understand the benefits of software such as ATLAS.ti.

Start dates

Edition 1 (online) 

November 22 (Friday) 2024
10.00-15.30 hrs
Online (Teams)

Edition 2 (offline)

March 4 (Tuesday) 2025
10.00-15.30 hrs
Sanders building (campus map), room 1-12

Aims and working method

The workshop includes lectures, discussions, and hands-on exercises.
Participants are not required to bring their own data to the workshop. To facilitate exercises and discussion during the workshop, the participants will practice with the same dataset that is provided by the lecturer.

However, during the workshop participants are more than welcome to ask questions about the coding and analysis in regard to their own research.


Furthermore, after the workshop participants can schedule a separate meeting with the instructor to ask more specific feedback on the coding and analysis of the dataset of their own research.


  • Portrait of dr. Fadi Hirzalla
    Dr. Fadi Hirzalla is the Graduate School’s senior lecturer and methodology consultant. He specialises in quantitative and qualitative methodology, next to his substantive interests in citizenship and new media, with a particular focus on intercultural relations and young people. Prior to joining the Graduate School, he worked at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University.
    Email address


Facts & Figures

  • free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School
  • €450,- for non-members
  • Consult our enrolment policy for more information.
Not applicable
Offered by
Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction
Offline, Online
External link
Register here for edition 2

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