Prepare your publication package

Publication package page banner


Researchers who disseminate their research results in publications such as journal articles should ensure that it is clear to others what data the research was based on, how the data were obtained, how results were achieved, and that the steps in the research process are verifiable. This information is combined in a so-called publication package, which consists of all data, materials and information that are needed to replicate, reproduce, and assess the published research results.

Publication packages facilitate open science and research transparency, and they are therefore increasingly considered mandatory in universities. Each publication should have its own publication package.

Next to the importance of publication packages in the framework of open science, publication packages have practical advantages for researchers and co-authors themselves. Publication packages will help you keeping access to your data and to know exactly which important steps were taken during the research, also after the project has ended. This will not only help you replicating your method in future work, but it will also help you explaining your research to others (including journal reviewers and the panel of your PhD defense).

Course information 

ECTS: 1 
Number of sessions: 1
Hours per session: 3 

Key Facts & Figures

3 hours
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

What will you achieve?

  • You will be able to explain the components of a publication package.
  • You will be able to apply best practices to document, organise, share, and archive your research data.
  • You will be able to produce a publication package for your own research project by yourself.
  • You will be able to determine which parts of the package need to be published and which parts need to be archived internally.
  • You will be able to find available information and support for completing a publication package.

Start dates

Edition 1 (offline)

November 12 (Tuesday) 2024
13.00-16.00 hrs
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Edition 2 (offline)

November 21 (Thursday) 2024
13.00-16.00 hrs
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Edition 3 (offline)

April 10 (Thursday) 2025
09.30-12.30 hrs
Mandeville building (campus map), room T19-01

Working method and preparation

In this workshop, we will dive into the different components of a publication package by looking at an example package. Furthermore, you are expected to bring your own data and materials and get started with creating a publication package for your own project. By working together with your peers during the workshop, you will receive immediate feedback on the usability and clarity of your package components for others. There will also be ample opportunity to ask questions to the instructors of the course, who are experts in research data management.

Entry level and relevance

Preferably, we would like you to first take the 'Open science and research transparency' course before enrolling for this course. Secondly, we suggest to first take the Data carpentry course.

You will get the most out of this course if you can bring your own data and materials, in order to get started with creating a publication package for your own project.


  • Portrait of Eduard Klapwijk
    Eduard Klapwijk is a Research Data Steward at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB). He advises and supports researchers on how to organise their research data effectively in accordance with international standards and develops and implements research data management guidelines with the aim to make research more open and reproducible. He also has a keen interest in training researchers in data management and reproducible science practices, for which he holds a University Teaching Qualification and a Software Carpentries instructor certification.
  • Portrait Mark Mulder
    Mark is a Junior Research Data Steward at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB), where he provides support for researchers on research data management and open science practices. He is also Data Manager for the Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS) research program, where he coordinates data storage and data sharing between nine institutions. He has a background in psychology and obtained his Master in Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University in 2019.


Telephone: +31 (0)10 4082607 (Graduate School).

Facts & Figures

  • free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School
  • €300,- for non-members
  • Consult our enrolment policy for more information.
Not applicable
3 hours
Offered by
Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

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