Experience sampling: opening the black box of daily life

Methodology courses and philosophy of science


People can be asked to share information about their daily life through their smartphones. For instance, users can be asked to fill out micro-questionnaires or enable GPS tracking. Such data collection methods are called Experience Sampling Methods (ESM).

With ESM, it is possible to assess exciting new research questions, but these data collection methods also come with challenges and questions. What research questions can I answer? How do I design an ESM-based study? How do I analyse obtained data? This workshop aims to help researchers explore these questions.

Key Facts & Figures

9 hours
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

What will you achieve?

  • After completing module A (designing an ESM study) of the workshop, participants will know how to: choose a sampling scheme for their study; monitor and increase compliance by participants; select and design measurement instruments.
  • After completing module B (analysing ESM data) of the workshop, participants will know how to: calculate intra-class correlations; estimate whether survey questions form a consistent scale; do multilevel regression with ESM data.

Start dates

Session 1
January 28 (Tuesday) 2025
10.00-13.00 hrs
Mandeville building, room T19-01

Session 2
January 30 (Thursday) 2025
10.00-13.00 hrs
Mandeville building, room T19-01

Session 3
February 11 (Tuesday) 2025
10.00-13.00 hrs
Mandeville building, room T19-01

Aims and working method

The workshop begins with a lecture about why it is relevant and useful to study daily life processes with ESM. Subsequently, participants follow two modules. Module A focuses on designing an ESM study, for instance with regard to developing sampling schemes, monitoring protocols and measurement instruments. Module B is about analysing ESM data in R.

Session descriptions

  • Session 1: Lecture

  • Session 2: Module A

  • Session 3: Module B

Entry level and relevance

The workshop is relevant for researchers from all disciplines who apply quantitative research techniques. Participants will be invited to bring data and discuss examples from their own research.

Module A (designing an ESM study) does not require specific entry skills or knowledge. Module B (analysing ESM data) requires basic knowledge of R. If you doubt whether you have the proper entry level for module B, please contact Marleen de Moor at demoor@essb.eur.nl.


  • Dr. Savannah Boele is a researcher Youth and Family at Erasmus School of Behavioural and Social Sciences.


Facts & Figures

  • free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School and the Convergence (Erasmus MC and TU Delft)
  • € 450,- for non-members
  • Consult our enrolment policy for more information.
Not applicable
9 hours
Offered by
Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

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