Massive Open Online Courses
Massive Open Online Courses - student studying - writing

The education of Erasmus University has a global top-100 ranking and we guarantee high class quality courses on topics we are leading in. Following a MOOC of Erasmus University Rotterdam will boost your studies or professional career.

MOOC Reputation crisis: Facebook meets Cambridge Analytica

MOOC Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development

Engaged with Society

MOOC Cybersecurity in Healthcare (Hospitals & Care Centres)

Principles of Sustainable Finance

Enjoyable Econometrics

Earth Economics

Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Econometrics: Methods and Applications

Cross-border road transport in EU law context

Advanced Valuation and Strategy - M&A, Private Equity, and Venture Capital

Mind of the Universe: Science in Progress

Hovo cursus Einstein

The Politics of Skepticism

Introduction to Economic Theories

A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration

Innovation Management

Local Economic Development

Local Economic Development

Planning for Climate Change in African Cities

Financing Infrastructure in African Cities

African Cities

Assessment in Higher Education

Science Literacy

Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Serious Gaming

MOOC Serious Gaming

MOOC Serious Gaming

MOOC Serious gaming

MOOC: Planning for Climate Change in African Cities

MOOC digital governance

Interested in creating a MOOC yourself?

Contact the Community for Learning & Innovation

  • Leading with Decision-Driven Analytics

    Learn new ways of thinking to keep your decision-making relevant.
  • Leading with Presence

    Focus on your non-verbal presentation and strengths, and learn how to communicate with power and impact.
  • Liefde in Bedrijf | Executive Program

    Liefde op de werkvloer: lastig onderwerp? Liefde in Bedrijf is de 1e universitaire leergang over dit thema. Schrijf je in en beluister alvast de podcastserie!
  • Make Strategy Work

    Learn how to successfully turn high-level strategic imperatives and concepts into action for teams and individuals.
  • Marketing & The Value of Data | Executive Program

    Dankzij Executive Program Marketing & The Value of Data van Erasmus Marketing Institute ben jij in 5 dagen on top of the game!
  • Data-Analytics, Robotic Process Automation en Cybersecurity | Masterclass

    Speciaal voor professionals die bij een Woningcorporatie werken, is er nu de Masterclass Data-Analytics, Robotic Process Automation en Cybersecurity.
  • De Fundamenten van Soft Controls | Masterclass

    Ook in organisaties met sterke formele systemen gaat weleens iets mis. Na de Masterclass De Fundamenten van Soft Controls weet jij hoe je dit oplost!
  • Financiële Planning | MasterCourse

    Het wordt voor een Financieel Adviseur steeds belangrijker om een optimale klantbeleving neer te zetten en integraal advies te geven. Update jouw kennisen skill
  • Human Resources and Global Mobility | MasterCourse

    Get ready to meet the qualifications for the new generation HR GM professional and become the International HR Business Partner!
  • Vastgoed Fiscaal | MasterCourse

    Je cliënten nóg beter van dienst zijn? Met de MasterCourse Vastgoed Fiscaal verzeker jij je van alle relevante actualiteiten en fiscaliteiten op het gebied van

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