Why did you come on exchange? What influenced you to choose Rotterdam to live?
I think the better question to ask is to all non-exchange students: Why aren’t you on exchange? Its really for everyone. The experience of living overseas is priceless and something you won’t forget for your entire life. Why did I choose Rotterdam? I didn’t. It was my second option (first being Amsterdam), but I could not be happier I ended up here. Rotterdam is like Amsterdam’s cooler, younger brother. With all the appeal of Amsterdam without shoving it in your face at every opportunity. I feel like Rotterdam is the proper way to really experience Dutch life.
What has been the scariest experience since you got here?
Looking at my bank account. I cannot stress enough to SAVE as much as you possibly can before getting here. No amount of money will ever be enough. I don’t mean you won’t have an amazing time, but there’s nothing worse than making decisions based on your amount of money. Budget, plan, make sure you prioritise what you want to do.
What has been the best experience since you got here?
You can’t even ask that question. It’s completely unfair. I can honestly tell you that waking up each day is a better experience than you’ve ever imagined. Waking up and remembering you’re in Rotterdam or London or Brussels or Berlin. Its unbelievable.
What advice would you give to a potential exchange student?
If you’re coming to the Netherlands, stock up on 0.50euro coins. Your bladder will thank you. Ask Dutch people what the best way to do things are in terms of saving money, getting around and everything. This is their home. They know what the go is. And the best piece of advice is to come on exchange. No matter who you are, where you’re going and any problems which might occur, make sure you get here.