How to save a hundred bras

Erasmus Alumni Chain: Savara Intimates

One day, EUR Alumna Eva discovered that between her, her mum, and her two sisters they owned more than 100 bras. And every time they changed size; those bras would become useless!

Erasmus Alumni chain - Savara Intimates

Not very sustainable, if you ask Eva. That’s why she started a company to fight overconsumption in the lingerie industry: SavaraIntimates. By creating bras that can be adjusted, she can guarantee that a bra that will still fit – even if your body changes slightly. Moreover, they manufacture in Europe under good working conditions, and plant trees to even out their carbon emissions.

You could say that Eva changes the world for the better, one bra at a time! Check out the Erasmus Alumni Chain video for Eva's story as she works on a shoot with one of her models.

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