Corporate Responsibility


Corporations are increasingly held accountable for their effect on both the environment and society. The demand for more corporate responsibility (CR) has increased because of the unprecedented challenges of the 21st century, such as climate change, demographic change, scarcity of resources, and pandemics in addition to social issues such as human rights violations, racism and income inequality.

Key Facts & Figures

Executive programme
Start date
Monday 18 Nov 2024
3 days
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

What will you achieve?

  • provide you with an overview of corporate responsibility (CR) so you learn how it can enhance reputation and value in today’s global business environment
  • provide you with tools and frameworks related to CR that will be essential for your success as a corporate communication executive
  • examine best practices and potential future practices for integrating CR in global corporations
  • help you determine your own responsibility as a leader
  • for you to be able to assess a corporation’s responsibility to various constituents

Start dates

18-20 November

This masterclass focuses on the corporation’s responsibility to its key constituencies such as customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and the environment, in all parts of their operations. This concept extends beyond obligations to comply with regulations alone, and finds companies taking further steps voluntarily to ‘do well by doing good’.

In this course, we will study the interplay between business and society, and explore how companies can meet stakeholder expectations in a manner that balances social, environmental and economic goals. The multi-industry case study structure of this masterclass helps you gain insights and hands you tools to confront the complex challenges in various industries while developing and communicating CR initiatives.

Who should attend

The masterclass is designed for experienced professionals in the field of corporate communication, public affairs, general management, and consultancy.

This executive-level masterclass offers professionals a highly flexible learning experience that fosters leadership, strategic thinking and corporate responsibility.


Programme adviser Susanna Marco

Susanna Marco

Programme & Admission Advisor

Email address
+31 10 4082851

Facts & Figures


€ 3.400

Not applicable
Start date
Monday 18 Nov 2024
3 days
Offered by
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Media and communication
Course type
Executive programme
Instruction language
Mode of instruction


External link
Read more about this programme

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This is a programme of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. For more information about the programme, visit our website: RSM.NL/CR

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