Tomorrow's Campus

Building new perspectives
Foto van het MFO gebouw

The third phase of building programme Campus Under Construction kicked off in 2017 and is still in full swing. This sprint, called Building New Perspectives, is as far-reaching as the previous two phases. It includes large-scale renovations and new construction projects. The S Building has been transformed into an Exam Centre and two sustainable new buildings have been added to the campus, Langeveld Building and Sports Building. The campus pond has been transformed as well to increase biodiversity.

In the coming years, we will continue to work to make our campus ready for the future. Our iconic Tinbergen Building is undergoing a large-scale sustainable renovation. But the campus grounds on the south side of the Erasmus Plaza will also be completely renewed, making room for lots of greenery, a ring road and two volleyball courts. 

Sustainable campus

Our campus is getting greener every day!

Langeveld Building - Students studying

Maintenance & Construction

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