Art and Culture

Cultural events, art on campus and more

Art Now

dive into our digital art archive

Anuli Croon Art

News about art at EUR

  • Film Friday: Lyari Notes

    Film tips every Friday from our film programmer Kirstin! This week: Lyari Notes
  • Come visit the Leeskabinet book market!

    Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th of November on the bridge between the library and Theil-building, from 10 AM till 6 PM
  • Mick was Andy's dreamt-off muse

    In each edition of ea. magazine, we discuss an artwork of Erasmus University Rotterdam's collection. This time: a portrait of Mick Jagger by Andy Warhol.
Renata Feliciangeli bij Studio Erasmus

Studio Erasmus: Renata Feliciangeli

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