Research Projects

Find out more about the research projects at DIT
five people sit around a table with laptops in front of them, black screen and white board in the back

From researching how universities can teach students to challenge and change the status quo, to exploring how transformative research can be institutionalised in academia. Do you want to know more about the various research projects at DIT? Click on one of the banners.

TRANSacademia: Transforming academia

Exploring how engaged and action-oriented research can be institutionalised in academia

Five women sitting next to each other on high chairs, one is speaking into a microphone

TransEUR: Transforming the Erasmus University Rotterdam

Exploring possibilities for engaged and transformative ways of doing research and education at EUR

An audience sitting in a room with yellow walls, clapping

Transformative education for sustainability

Exploring the inner workings of transformative education for sustainability

Person holding up scrapes of clothes, in the background more people working with fabric

PhD Learning community: action-oriented research

In this study group, we connect early career researchers to learn together about engaged research

Three women standing arm and arm and smiling into the camera

Transformative repair

Exploring how fostering a “mending mindset” can help us address societal challenges

Seamstress at work

Introduction to Transformative Research Methods: A Blog Series

Exploring methods that stimulate creativity, leading to innovative solutions for global issues.

Women discussing


A year of fruitful collaboration with ACCEZ via a transdisciplinary research initiative

Teacher with students

Radical Imagination in Transition

Bridging social arts and transition practices

Collaborative Ethics in Transformative Research

A multi-site action research to generate insights and knowledge from research at EUR and McGill

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