Creating video content


If you make videos for social media, the website or the Intranet (MyEUR), a number of obligatory guidelines apply. Learn more about the use of leaders, name bars, and look at our guidelines for subtitles. 

Download our identity design elements

Download the video design elements via Adobe to create a video in the EUR identity.

Apply identity design elements in videos

Do you have questions about how to use the design elements in a video? Please contact

Technical questions

For technical questions about the identity design elements, please contact


More and more often, people watch videos without sound on mobile devices. Therefore, it is obligatory to add subtitles to your videos. Even Dutch videos need to be subtitled. In Dutch or (British) English. This way, people can watch our videos on the web and social media, even if they are in the train, for example.

Browse through the guidelines and tips by topic.

Developing video content can be expensive. So, ask yourself first: 

  • For whom do I make this content? Who is my target group, and how big is the audience I want to reach?
  • In what way do they want to be informed, inspired or entertained?
  • On which platforms/media is my target group present? And are these channels suitable for video content?

If the answer is, that your target group is too small, or does not want to be reached by videos, you can better consider using another media type.

If the audience you want to target is large enough, and has a presence on the channels where video content is suited (such as YouTube, social media or the web), developing video content can be a smart investment.

Need advice?

Approach the marketing- and communications excecutive or corporate design coordinator of your faculty of department, or mail to the corporate design coordinator of the Professional Service Marketing and Communications.

How does your video stick out from the crowd of content on social media and on the web? How to make sure that people will not scroll away from your video?

  • Use the first three seconds to catch the attention of the viewer. Scrolling through a page happens fast, so make sure the viewer is immediately curious for more.
  • So, do not start your video with the leader, but with a fragment that reveals a little glimpse of what is coming next.
  • Then use, after approximately six seconds, a short leader.
  • Make sure short teasers for social media (max. 15 seconds) are developed, and refer to the full video on the website or your YouTube-channel.

Subtitling videos is required. Videos must come with at least a set of English (British) subtitles, but it is even better if two language sets of subtitles are delivered. More and more often, videos are watched while scrolling and on the go, without sound. Besides, subtitles are of great importance to improve the visibility in search engines such as Google, generating more views on social media, and makes the content available to a larger audience. We enforce the following corporate design rules for subtitles in videos: 

  • Add subtitles in your request in the videomaker;
  • Have the subtitles delivered as SRT-file;
  • Use the font Arial Narrow
    • for video format 1920 x 1080 pixels, we use font size 55 pt.
    • for video format 1080 x 1080 pixels, we use font size 45 pt.
  • Subtitles must be aligned centrally (do not align them left);
  • Subtitles are always on these heights:
    • for video format 1920 x 1080 pixels: x = 950, y = 600 pixels.
    • for video format 1080 x 1080 pixels: x = 540, y = 600 pixels.
  • If there is only 1 sentence, align the subtitles upwards;
  • Spread the subtitles in max. 2 lines
  • Use a drop shadow, so that the subtitles are readable, even on a light background.
Ondertiteling - een regel Ondertiteling - twee regels

Videos are watched on a wide range of devices. Therefore, always make sure your videos are developed in the following formats>

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 1080 x 1080 pixels (square, for social media).

The leader is the animation with the title and the sender (Erasmus University Rotterdam and your faculty). 

  • Use a shortened leader
  • Position this one after approximately six seconds (start the video with a fragment that draws curiosity).

Naambalk links in video

Name titles are used to introduce the persons in your video with name and position. There are two kinds of name titles, in two versions:

  1. Name title with a single subtitle, aligned both left and right
  2. Name title with a double subtitle, aligned both left and right

The body size in the template may not be adjusted. There is a version for 1920x1080, and a version for 1080x1080. Use font Museo Sans 500. 

Uitlijnen tekst in naamtitel

The space between the bottom of the light green square on the left in the name title, and the starting point of the digits, equals the space on the right side, that starts at the end of the digits and ends at the end of the name title bar.

  • The alignment of the name title (left or right) depends on whether the speaker is positioned on the left or right side of the screen. If the speaker is positioned on the left left, the name title is aligned on the right, and vice versa. 
  • Preferably, the name title is visible for no less than 3 seconds, nor more than 5 seconds.

Is the sender of the video a faculty? Then, use the RGB colour codes of the faculty colours

Naambalk in video

Content bars are used only if there is no spoken voice in the videos (for example in video impressions with background music). 

  • Use the appropriate element for the content bar, with the RGB colour code of your faculty or EUR.
  • The content bar is not on a fixed height, but on a spot where it is suited (and does not cover the essence of the screen); 
  • De content bar appears 'hard' on the screen, but may also animate from left to right in 12 frames
  • The content bar is not meant for subtitles.

Two so called 'buggers' are available, which enables you to position the logo of Erasmus University Rotterdam in the left upper corner, or the right upper corner. The bugger animates (fades) into the screen in 5 frames, and fades out of the screen in 5 frames at the end of the video.

Bugger rechts Bugger links

Contentvlak in video

The content square is meant for information that you want to disseminate in a larger body than in the content bar. 

  • The content square animates in 10 frames over the image of the actual film, and over the bugger! 

There are for versions available for at the end of a video:

  • call-to-action;
  • callto-action plus credits at the end; 
  • and stacked word brand. 

Call to action end of video

It is important to end your video with a call-to-action. This may be, for example: the website, your social media or the date + location of an event.


Use this template for a video of a lecture or a guest lecture.

Tip: do not use this template in a video that is meant for social media. 

Gestapeld woordmerk

The stacked word brand animates in 5 frames from the left to the right. 

Read the guidelines

Do you want to learn more about the technical specifications and the guidelines for the use of corporate design elements? Download the document below for more information.

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  • @title

    • Duration: @duration
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