
Students paying attention during a lecture.

Corporate colours

At corporate level, Erasmus University Rotterdam’s corporate identity has two main colours and one accent colour. The main corporate colours are Erasmus Green and Bright Green. The accent colour is Erasmus Warm Grey.

When to use which colour?

For printing, you only use the CMYK-codes, for web (on screen) you only use the RGB-codes. Note: The corporate colours used on (i.e. web house style) differ from the RGB-code as communicated on this page.

To limit color differences in printing efforts, we sometimes distinguish a coated and an uncoated CMYK-code. In that case, make sure to communicate to your designer on which type of paper you are planning to print.

  • Erasmus Bright Green

    CMYK: 95/0/55/0 (coated / uncoacted)
    PMS: 3285C
    RGB: 12/128/102
    RAL: 6024 Traffic Green
    HEX: #0c8066

    Corporate helder groen digitaal
  • Erasmus Green

    PMS: 2217C
    CMYK (coated and uncoated): 90/0/30/90
    RGB: 0/35/40
    RAL: 6012 Zwartgroen
    HEX: #002328

    Erasmus Groen
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus Warm Grey

    PMS: 434C
    CMYK (coated and uncoated): 15/10/10/15
    RGB: 227/218/216
    RAL: 7047 Telegrey 4
    HEX: #e3dad8

    Erasmus Warm Grijs

Secondary colours

Each faculty and institute has its own colour. This secondary colour is combined with Erasmus Green. In some cases, the secondary colour may be combined with Erasmus Warm Grey as an exception. Erasmus Green must then feature in the typography. A secondary colour may not be combined with Erasmus Bright Green.  

  • Erasmus School of Economics

    PMS: Yellow 012
    CMYK (coated and uncoated): 0/0/100/0
    RGB: 255/215/0
    RAL: 1018 Zinc yellow

    Erasmus School of Economics - geel
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

    PMS: 137C
    CMYK (coated): 0/45/100/0; CMYK (uncoated): 0/35/100/0
    RGB: 255/158/0
    RAL: 1028 Melon yellow
    HEX: #FF9E00

    Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences - oranje
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of Law

    PMS: 200C
    CMYK (coated): 5/100/70/15; CMYK (uncoated): 5/100/80/15
    RGB: 188/4/54
    RAL: 3020 Traffic red

    Erasmus School of Law - rood
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

    PMS: 2602C
    CMYK (coated and uncoated): 65/100/0/0
    RGB: 128/26/153
    RAL: 4006 Traffic purple

    Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management - paars
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus MC

    PMS: 354C
    CMYK (coated): 82/0/90/5; CMYK (uncoated): 82/0/90/0
    RGB: 0/162/46
    RAL: 6038 Luminous green

    Erasmus Medical Center - groen
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of Philosophy

    PMS: 2201C
    CMYK (coated): 86/0/13/0; CMYK (uncoated) 90/0/20/0
    RGB: 0/180/210
    RAL: 5012 Light blue

    Faculteit Wijsbegeerte - lichtblauw
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

    PMS: 285C
    CMYK (coated): 100/48/0/0; CMYK (uncoated): 100/38/0/0
    RGB: 0/110/195
    RAL: 5017 Traffic blue
    HEX: #006EC3

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication - blauw
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Rotterdam School of Management

    PMS: 282C
    CMYK (coated): 100/90/13/68; CMYK (uncoated): 100/90/0/40
    RGB: 17/12/58
    RAL: 5026 Pearl night blue
    HEX: #171C54

    Rotterdam School of Management -blauw
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus University College

    PMS: 165C
    CMYK (coated): 0/75/90/0; CMYK (uncoated): 0/70/100/0
    RGB: 252/103/27
    RAL: 2003 Pastel orange
    HEX: #FC671B

    Erasmus University College - oranje
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • International Institute of Social Studies


    CMYK: 7/5/5/7
    PMS: Cool Gray 3
    RGB: 227/227/227

    ISS - grijs
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • International Institute of Social Studies


    CMYK: 0/94/94/6 (coated)
    CMYK: 0/85/85/0 (uncoated)
    PMS: 1797 
    RGB: 218/34/29

    ISS - rood
    Erasmus University Rotterdam

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