Researcher profielen

3106 resultaten

  • dr. CJ (Carlos) Riumallo Herl

    Carlos Riumallo Herl is an Associate Professor of Applied Economics. His research focuses on exploring the impact of policies on health in low and middle-income…
    dr. CJ (Carlos) Riumallo Herl
  • S (Sevda) Rizehkar, MSc

    S (Sevda) Rizehkar, MSc
  • prof.dr. PBM (Paul) Robben

    I graduated as a general practitioner at the University of Utrecht in 1978. I worked for some years as a GP in different practices and in a psychiatric…
    prof.dr. PBM (Paul) Robben
  • MJ (Martha) Robbins

    MJ (Martha) Robbins
  • FKS (Fraser) Robinson

    FKS (Fraser) Robinson
  • dr. MS (Matthew) Robson

    dr. MS (Matthew) Robson
  • dr. MH (Maurice) de Rochemont

    dr. MH (Maurice) de Rochemont
  • prof.dr. SB (Suzana) Rodrigues

    Suzana B. Rodrigues is Emeritus Professor of International Business and Organisation at the Department of Business-Society Management, Rotterdam School of…
    prof.dr. SB (Suzana) Rodrigues
  • BJ (Brenda) Rodriguez Cortes

    BJ (Brenda) Rodriguez Cortes

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