(Daniele) D Rossi Doria


Daniele Rossi-Doria is a Ph.D. researcher at the International Institute of Social studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Hague. He holds a degree in History and Philosophy from the University of Napoli (Italy) and a MA degree in Development Studies from the ISS.

Daniele’s research focuses on the analysis of the Water User Associations (WUAs) in rural Morocco. It explores how the policy designs are translated into practice by investigating the interplay between formal and informal institutions, the role of local actors, and farmers-led collective action in shaping the local institutional field. It also examines how WUAs play a role in climate change adaptation and agricultural development in small-scale irrigation schemes in Morocco.

With Prof. Peter Knorringa, Dr. Farhad Mukhtarov, and Birendra Singh, Daniele has been awarded funding from the ISS’ Research Innovation Facility for a comparative research project entitled ‘Knowledge Co-Production and Innovation in and around Water Scarcity Adaptation Practices of the local farmers in Bundelkhand region (India) and Al Haouz province (Morocco)’.

Finally, Daniele is also involved with Dr.Freek Schiphorst and Dr.Adwoa Yeboah Gyapong in a research project investigating the ISS MA student experiences within the multi-cultural and diverse ISS community, and the impact on their learning behaviours.

In recent years, Daniele has researched Community-Based Development programs, Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) projects, local-level hybrid irrigation water governance, agricultural policies and development, social movements in Morocco.

International Institute of Social Studies

External PhD candidate | ISS PhD
Kortenaerkade 12, 's - Gravenhage

More information


  • Sylvia Bergh & Daniele Rossi Doria (2014) - Plus ça change? Observing the Dynamics of Morocco’s ‘Arab Spring’ in the High Atlas
  • Sylvia Bergh & Daniele Rossi Doria (2014) - Plus ça change? Observing the Dynamics of Morocco’s ‘Arab Spring’ in the High Atlas

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