Laura Rosendahl Huber is an Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship at the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).
Her research focuses on two interrelated themes. First, she examines how the development and formation of human capital at the individual and team level influence entrepreneurial decision making and performance. Thereby, she focuses on the empirical analysis of entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurial teams, and the evaluation of policies aimed at fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. In her second line of research, Laura examines how differences in personal characteristics might affect strategic decision making. To this end, she compares strategic decision makers along two different dimensions: male vs. female and entrepreneurs vs. managers. One of her key interests is gaining a better understanding of the gender inequality among entrepreneurs. In her work, she aims to tease out the underlying mechanisms and identify potential factors that could mitigate gender differences in entrepreneurship and encourage more women to become entrepreneur. Most of Laura’s work is based on field experiments. This method is becoming increasingly popular in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy and is often referred to as the gold standard.
Laura Rosendahl Huber’s work has been published in the Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organizations and Labour Economics. Her paper “Yes, I can! - A Field Experiment on Female Role Model Effects in Entrepreneurship” has been awarded Best Empirical Paper Award of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management Conference in 2018 and Best Paper Award at the Diana International Research Conference in 2019. She has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for several high-profile academic journals such as Management Science, Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Small Business Economics, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Labour Economics, and Journal of Human Resources.
Laura Rosendahl Huber teaches courses on Entrepreneurship and Economics in the Bachelor Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management. She is also frequently asked as a guest lecturer on field experiments by other institutions.
Laura Rosendahl Huber holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Amsterdam. Before joining RSM, she worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich (Germany). In spring 2019, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (USA).
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
More information
- Nadine Chochoiek, Laura Rosendahl Huber & Randolph Sloof (2024) - Optimism and Overconfidence of Strategic Decision Makers-Comparing Entrepreneurs and Managers With Employees - Journal of Economics and Management Strategy - doi: 10.1111/jems.12615 - [link]
- Irene Tsitse, Katty Hsu & Laura Rosendahl Huber (2023) - SHE LEADS: Navigating the Funding Landscape for Female Social Entrepreneurs - [link]
- Marco Kleine, Jonas Heite & Laura Rosendahl Huber (2022) - Subsidized R&D collaboration: The causal effect of innovation vouchers on innovation outcomes - Research Policy, 51 (6) - doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2022.104515 - [link]
- Laura Rosendahl Huber, Randolph Sloof, Mirjam Van Praag & Simon C. Parker (2020) - Diverse cognitive skills and team performance: A field experiment based on an entrepreneurship education program - Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 177, 569-588 - doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2020.06.030 - [link]
- Laura Aline Bechthold & Laura Rosendahl Huber (2020) - Peer effects in entrepreneurship education - Field experimental evidence on the role of emotional intelligence in teams - doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.190 - [link]
- Hanskje Nagel, Laura Rosendahl Huber, Mirjam Van Praag & Sjoerd Goslinga (2019) - The effect of a tax training program on tax compliance and business outcomes of starting entrepreneurs: Evidence from a field experiment - Journal of Business Venturing, 34 (2), 261-283 - doi: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2018.10.006 - [link]
- Magdalena Streicher, Laura Rosendahl Huber, Kåre Moberg, Casper Jørgensen & Dana T. Redford (2019) - Filling in the blanks? The impact of entrepreneurship education on european high school students - doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2019.168 - [link]
- Laura Aline Bechthold & Laura Rosendahl Huber (2018) - Yes, I can! – A field experiment on female role model effects in entrepreneurship - doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.209 - [link]
- Laura Rosendahl Huber, Randolph Sloof & Mirjam Van Praag (2017) - The effect of incentives on sustainable behavior: evidence from a field experiment - Labour Economics, 45, 92-106 - doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2016.11.012 - [link]
- Laura Rosendahl Huber, Randolph Sloof & Mirjam Van Praag (2014) - The effect of early entrepreneurship education: Evidence from a field experiment - European Economic Review, 72, 76-97 - doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2014.09.002 - [link]
- Laura Rosendahl Huber (2018) - Best Empirical Paper Award of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management
Max Planck Institute for Innovation & competition
- Start date approval
- december 2022
- End date approval
- december 2025
- Place
- Description
- Begeleiding PhD studenten, voortzetten onderzoek
IM Research clinic
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- Level
- bachelor 1
- Year Level
- bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- BK1210
Affiliated Research Fellow
- Start date approval
- september 2019
- Start date approval
- juli 2019