(Martijn) M Mulder


In 2017 Martijn started his PhD research on live music experiences and ecologies at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, under supervision of Prof. Susanne Janssen, Dr. Erik Hitters and Dr. Paul Rutten. He will research how local live music ecologies can contribute to value creation in the position of music venues and festivals, and the local (urban) society in general, focusing on (1) how to find a balance between structural and temporary live music infrastructure, which caters for diverse audiences and (2) how to optimize the value of live music experience within its complete ecology. This PhD research is part of the NWO funded project Staging Popular Music: sustainable live music ecologies for artists, music venues and cities. In this project Erasmus University cooperates with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Dutch association of music venues and festivals (VNPF) and live music organization Mojo Concerts (part of Live Nation).


Martijn (Rotterdam, 1977) studied Leisure Science at Tilburg University (NL) and Sheffield Hallam University (UK). In 2006 he started working at the Leisure department of Willem de Kooning Academy, which is part of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Since 2011 he is research leader and senior lecturer at the research center ‘Creating 010’. His research focuses at the attractiveness of cities, the value of cultural supply and events in urban development, the value of leisure experiences and user-centered approaches of leisure and experiences. He has been working on projects for several Dutch cities and regions, the Rotterdam Festival Organisation, World Expo Milan 2015, Museum Rotterdam and other leisure related organizations.


Martijn is author of the book “Leisure! Inleiding in de Vrijetijd” and co-author of the Dutch national profile of Leisure Studies. He is a member of the advisory committee Brabant C, an investment fund for the creative industries and he is a juror for the annual Dutch Event Awards.

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

External PhD candidate | Department of Media and Communication
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Martijn Mulder & Erik Hitters (2019) - Dancing on a tight rope. Risk and trust in the live music industry
  • Pauwke Berkers, Erik Hitters, Arno Hoeven, Rick Everts & Martijn Mulder (2017) - POPLIVE: denk mee over het grote livemuziek-onderzoek

News regarding (Martijn) M Mulder

“Pop lijkt het nieuwe klassiek te worden”

Hoe belangrijk zijn poppodia en muziekfestivals in Nederland? Dat onderzocht Martijn Mulder in zijn proefschrift.
Flying Dutch festival op het terrein van Ahoy Rotterdam.

Meer vrouwelijke muzikanten op festivalpodia dan ooit

POPLIVE komt na vijf jaar tot een einde. Onderzoekers Martijn Mulder en Erik Hitters bespraken deze jaren, en deelden een blik op de toekomst.
Festival performance

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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