Martijn G. de Jong is a professor of marketing research at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). Prof. De Jong's substantive research focuses on consumer well-being (reducing undesirable behaviors; promoting responsible and prosocial behavior), the development of cross-national consumer behavior theories, and sensitive consumer behavior. He generally uses large-scale international datasets to develop generalizable theories. His methodological interests include market research techniques (conjoint methodology, survey methodology, computational text analysis), cross-cultural data analysis, Bayesian statistics, Machine learning (Python, R, JavaScript).
He teaches Global Brand Strategy and is the academic director of the master program in marketing. Prof. De Jong's work has been published in the most prestigious marketing and management journals, such as Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Quantitative Marketing & Economics. His work has also appeared in top psychometric and psychological journals like Psychometrika, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Marketing Research (previously also on the boards of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing). Professor de Jong was named an MSI Young Scholar in 2009. He is the recipient of the 2020 AMA Global Marketing Award, the 2015 Paul E. Green award for best paper in the Journal of Marketing Research, Tilburg University's dissertation award 2007, the Johannes Cornelis Ruigrok award 2009 by the Dutch Social and Economic Council, the ERIM outstanding young researcher award 2009, the Erasmus Research prize 2010, and the Christiaan Huygens award 2010 presented by the minister of education. Major grants received during his career include the EUR fellowship 2007, a Niels Stensen stipend 2007, and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research VENI and VIDI grants. He obtained his PhD in marketing from Tilburg University in 2006, and holds an MSc in Econometrics from Erasmus University. He has been a visiting scholar at Columbia University since 2008. Prof. De Jong has acted as a consultant for various companies in the market research industry, the luxury and defense industry, the Catholic Church, and he has also served as a legal expert witness.
More information
- Marco Gregori, Martijn de Jong & Rik Pieters (2024) - Proven and New Survey Techniques to Obtain Sensitive Information from Consumers - Journal of Marketing Research - [link]
- Marco Gregori, Martijn G. De Jong & Rik Pieters (2024) - The Crosswise Model for Surveys on Sensitive Topics: A General Framework for Item Selection and Statistical Analysis - Psychometrika, 89 (3), 1007-1033 - doi: 10.1007/s11336-024-09976-3 - [link]
- Laura Jasper, Santeri Puttonen, Martijn de Jong, Sophie van der Zee & Michel Rademaker (2023) - Start with the End: Measurement of Behavioural Influencing in Military Operations - [link]
- Marco Gregori, Martijn de Jong & Rik Pieters (2023) - Response Aggregation to Obtain Truthful Answers to Sensitive Questions: Estimating the Prevalence of Illegal Purchases of Prescription Drugs - Journal of Marketing Research, 61 (5), 821-838 - doi: 10.1177/00222437231205252 - [link]
- Martijn de Jong, Aletta Steensma, Theo Lamers & Freek van Genugten (2022) - Hopeful listening to God's spirit
- DS (Daryna) Kolesnyk, Martijn G. de Jong & Rik Pieters (2021) - Gender Gaps in Deceptive Self-Presentation on Social-Media Platforms Vary With Gender Equality: A Multinational Investigation - Psychological Science, 32 (12), 1952-1964 - doi: 10.1177/09567976211016395 - [link]
- O Mintz, IS Currim, JBEM Steenkamp & Martijn de Jong (2021) - Managerial Metric Use in Marketing Decisions Across 16 Countries: A Cultural Perspective - Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (8), 1474-1500 - doi: 10.1057/s41267-019-00259-z - [link]
- Christoph Fuchs, Martijn de Jong & M Schreier (2019) - Earmarked donations to charity: Cross-cultural evidence on its appeal to donors across twenty five countries - Management Science, 66 (10), 4359-4919 - doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2019.3397
- Martijn de Jong & FGM Pieters (2019) - Assessing Sensitive Consumer Behavior Using the Item Count Response Technique - Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (3), 345-360 - doi: 10.1177/0022243718821312 - [link]
- C Yang, O Toubia & Martijn de Jong (2018) - Attention, Information Processing and Choice in Incentive-Aligned Choice Experiments - Journal of Marketing Research, 55 (6), 783-800 - doi: 10.1509/jmr.15.0474 - [link]
- Start date approval
- maart 2025
- End date approval
- december 2025
- Place
- Description
- software ontwikkeling (chatbot)
Seminar Marketing in a Globalized World
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FEM11179