ESHPM and partners in the Global South join forces on Quality of Care for Chronic Conditions

Igna Bonfrer, the researcher participating research on Quality of Care for Chronic Conditions.

On behalf of ESHPM, Igna Bonfrer is participating in the recently formed International Research Network on Quality of Care for Chronic Conditions. This research network is led by The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp and funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders.

The focus of the cooperation will be on improving quality of care for chronic conditions in LMICs. The research will be building on recent work for the WHO by Callum Brindley, Nilmini Wijemunige, Judith Bom and Igna Bonfrer.

A Chart on quality of care for chronic conditions

Other academic institutes in the network include the National Institute of Public Health (Cambodia), Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana) and Latin American Group for multidisciplinary Research on Chronic Diseases (Colombia, Cuba, Peru and Ecuador). A first workshop on the applicability of NCD findings from high income health care systems in the Global South will take place at ITM in the second half of 2024.

About RGHI
The Rotterdam Global Health Initiative (RGHI) is the multi-disciplinary global health research and education network of Erasmus University and Erasmus MC. Through our research and education efforts, we seek to help diminish health inequalities between and within countries, improve people’s living conditions, and contribute to more effective and equitable healthcare of good quality worldwide.
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Universitair Hoofddocent
Universitair Docent
Dr. Judith Bom
Nilmini Wijemunige
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