dr. (Igna) IEJ Bonfrer


Dr. Igna Bonfrer is Associate Professor of Global Health Economics at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. Her research generates evidence on how health systems can improve population health. Working with colleagues in Burkina Faso, Burundi, India and Kenya she identifies effective financial and non-financial incentives to support high quality care. Her work has been published in among others The British Medical Journal, Health Affairs, Social Science & Medicine and PLOS Global Public Health. For an illustration of her team’s work with pregnant women in India, see: https://youtu.be/0bBNsm6t3Tc

Dr. Bonfrer plays an important role in Global Health Economics teaching. She jointly developed teaching on topics including “causal evaluation of health care financing reforms”, “decolonizing global health” and “making a career in global health” which have been very well received by students (average student evaluation 4.6 out of 5).

She is Director of the Rotterdam Global Health Initiative, the multi-disciplinary global health research and education network at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus Medical Center. 

Dr. Bonfrer shares her expertise with the World Health Organization and several NGOs. She received awards and prizes including a Rubicon Fellowship from the Dutch Research Council, the Nautilus Award for outstanding contribution from the University of Oxford and the Prof. H.W. Lambers Prize from the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Dr. Bonfrer did her post-doc with the Harvard Global Health Institute.


Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Associate professor | Health Economics (HE)
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Igna Bonfrer (30 november 2020) - BNR
  • Igna Bonfrer (22 oktober 2020) - BNR
  • Igna Bonfrer (16 oktober 2020) - BNR
  • Igna Bonfrer (4 januari 2018) - The Impact of Financial Incentives on Early and Late Adopters among U.S. Hospitals

  • Igna Bonfrer (2016) - Travel Fellowship Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  • Igna Bonfrer (2015) - Rubicon Fellowship
  • Igna Bonfrer (2008) - Wellcome Trust Quota Award for Masters in History of Medicine

Academic Development & Skills

bachelor 1
Year Level
bachelor 1
Course Code

Global Health Economics

Year Level
master, master, master, master
Course Code

Health and Economic Development

Year Level
master, master, master, master
Course Code

Master HEPL-HE 2023-2024

Course Code

Global Challenges in Health & Behaviour

Bachelor 3
Year Level
Bachelor 3
Course Code

Director Rotterdam Global Health Initiative

Start date approval
januari 2021

News regarding dr. (Igna) IEJ Bonfrer

Ministeries van VWS en Buitenlandse Zaken ondertekenen met ruim 20 partijen Global Health Pact

Minister Kuipers: “We voelen allemaal duidelijk de urgentie om te werken aan een wereldwijd robuuster en eerlijker ecosysteem voor de volksgezondheid."
dr. Igna Bonfrer ondertekent Global Health Pact

Zorgbonus wordt 800 miljoen duurder

Gezondheidseconoom Igna Bonfrer verklaart de toename van het aantal aanvragen aan de hand van verschillende interpretaties van de voorwaarden in BNR Nieuwsradio.

Ruim 4.000 zorgaanbieders melden zich voor bonus

Zorgaanbieders konden vanaf 1 oktober een aanvraag doen bij het ministerie voor hun medewerkers. Het kabinet heeft 800 miljoen euro voor de bonus uitgetrokken.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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