Flor Pinares Villa

After a very demanding but incredibly enriching year of study at the EUR, I went back to Peru with a whole new perspective on how to deal with complex governance problems.

Flor Pinares Villa

Alumna - Policy Advisor at the Peruvian National Parliament in Lima, Peru

After a very demanding but incredibly enriching year of studies at EUR, I went back to my country, Peru, in order to continue my career in the public sector. This time, with a whole new perspective about how to deal with complex governance problems, which I was eager to apply for the benefit of my country. Luckily, I was able to reinsert myself quickly into the labour market. First as an external consultant for a government office. Just a few months later, I obtained my current position. These days, I work as a staff member of the Peruvian Parliament where I am part of a team which main duties are to analyse and develop law proposals related to small and medium-sized enterprises in Peru.  

I am convinced that the high quality of the education in the Netherlands, and particularly at Erasmus University, has allowed me to strengthen my profile as a policymaker. It has enabled me to acquire the tools to solve complex problems and to successfully manage governance networks. I would absolutely recommend this programme to anyone interested in developing a career related to solving complex societal problems not only in the public sector but beyond. 

More about Flor's background

Flor obtained a Bachelor in Tourism Management, at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco, Lima in Peru before starting the Master Governance and Management in the Public Sector at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

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